Trends That Can Assist You in Lowering Mobile App Development Costs

Webnotics Solutions
3 min readDec 16, 2021

Mobile-first initiatives of tech titans increased Internet prevalence, and smartphone affordability has rendered mobile apps modern-day necessities. The Google and Apple app stores are heavily crowded with millions of mobile apps ranging from productivity enhancement to mobile commerce. Mobile apps have aged into a dominant force in today’s digital world.

Despite the abundance of mobile software development businesses and the ease with which development tools are available, there are still obstacles that can hinder your progress. The main one is frequently the cost of app design, development, and implementation.

If you’re puzzled by this issue, here are some suggestions for minimizing your mobile app development costs.

# Outsourcing

According to Upwork, the starting price for developing a mobile app is between $150,000 and $450,000. Outsourcing the development program can reduce the $10,000 to $80,000. The final cost is determined by the features, the platforms of choice, and the location to which the project is outsourced.

Deploying dedicated technical teams and outsourcing projects remains a popular cost-cutting technique for large and medium-sized businesses. The apparent advantages are time savings, end-to-end service delivery, and access to enormous talent pools.

# Cross-platform development

Creating native app versions for Android, iOS, and Windows can be costly. Cross-platform app development can be used instead to keep project costs minimum and decrease person-hours.

The most noticeable advantage of cross-platform development is dealing with highly reusable code: the app’s business logic can be created once and reused several times for various platforms. Cross-platform frameworks like Xamarin, Appcelerator, Sencha Touch, and NativeScript are excellent examples.

# Continuous Testing

Quality assurance and subsequent issue patching can be challenging as the project is near completion for everybody, including stakeholders and customers.

Most significantly, it can dramatically increase the cost estimates for a mobile app. Frequent mobile testing, which improves at all release phases, helps guide a Android app development project ahead of such inflated expenses.

# Agile project management

The agile process in mobile app development has various advantages, including speedy development, financial control, and project specification adherence, amongst many others.

A relatively major mobile app development project is split into smaller development cycles comprised of tasks, sub-tasks, and modules using Agile methodology. Such smaller bits of labor is far more manageable. Developers and testers collaborate at all phases and communicate with stakeholders frequently, which improves the quality of the product launch and accelerates delivery.

# MVP Releases

An MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, is essentially a functional prototype of a mobile app with all the essential functions. The MVP is used as a testing ground to preview the product’s practicality before it is released for full-fledged commercial or corporate use.

The MVP brings significant cost savings to mobile development. Not only is the MVP itself less expensive to produce, but it also aids in identifying improvements and isolating issues well ahead of the full-scale implementation process, reducing additional efforts. Furthermore, the MVP can assist a company in impressing a customer and obtaining investment for genuine app development.

Winding it up

Outsourcing, cross-platform development, continual testing, Agile project management, and MVP releases are the five most prominent tactics organizations use to reduce mobile development costs. By adhering to at least one of these trends, you may make a mobile app deployment a reasonably low-cost endeavor.

Looking for talented mobile app developers who can start from scratch or work on an existing project? You’ve just discovered them.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help you reduce the cost of mobile app development while achieving the best results.



Webnotics Solutions

Webnotics Pvt. LTD. are a strong and experienced competitor in the field of Web & Mobile Apps development. We work as a team with our valuable clients.